By turns funny, frank, mysterious, and heartbreaking, Standing in the Flock of Connections, Heather Cadsby’s fifth collection of poetry, is one hundred proof associative thought. These poems testify to the human mind’s capacity to “do” — taking into account all of the performative, causal, athletic, and sexual connotations of that verb. Many of them come in on an overheard conversation or monologue — mid-fight, mid-stride — and the absent details and specifics often function to open up a space for things to become other things, for the flock of connections to swarm.
Press Coverage:
“…verse that demonstrates wit and levity as well as a seriousness at its heart … capable of blasphemy … an honest inquiry into life and the inherent duality of the moment.” — Gillian Harding-Russell, Prairie Fire Review of Books
Hoarding “Our Little Commotions”: Heather Cadsby’s Standing in the Flock of Connections — Arc Poetry Magazine
Minor Revelations — Canadian Literature