hidden gems collection

Hidden Gems curates a collection of poetry titles that delve into the intricacies of human experience, nature, and existential queries with unmatched depth and artistry.

Each book offers a unique lens through which to explore profound themes. These works stand out for their ability to challenge readers intellectually while touching them emotionally, offering insights that are both personal and universal.

This collection is an invitation to immerse yourself in the beauty of hidden truths and the power of poetic expression, making these titles a must-have for anyone looking to enrich their understanding of the world and themselves.

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Individual Titles

Reunion by Deanna Young

Reunion by Deanna Young

Recommended for anyone interested in parables and transformative journeys, especially those who appreciate exploring the complexities of childhood, childhood suffering, memory, and self-discovery.

This collection is ideal for individuals who enjoy a blend of candid language and daring stylistic range, including ballads and prayers.

Why it’s a Hidden Gem: The book’s unique approach to re-inhabiting a girlhood and transforming it through an adult perspective, along with its pastoral-gothic hybrid style, makes it a distinctive read that offers deep emotional engagement and intellectual stimulation.

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Heaven’s Thieves by Sue Sinclair

Recommended for philosophically-inclined readers and those intrigued by existential questions about life, beauty, art, and the challenges of modern existence like ecological crisis and personal grief.

Its blend of deep inquiry with poetic elegance appeals to readers who prefer thought-provoking and evocative literature.

Why it’s a Hidden Gem: Sinclair’s fearless exploration of profound questions, combined with her original and incisive poetic voice, makes this collection a rare find for readers seeking both beauty and depth in poetry.

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Heaven’s Thieves by Sue Sinclair
outskirts by Sue Goyette

outskirts by Sue Goyette

Recommended for anyone who is drawn to themes of human connection, resilience, and environmental consciousness.

This book will appeal to those who appreciate a blend of personal narratives with broader ecological and societal themes.

Why it’s a Hidden Gem: Goyette’s refusal to succumb to despair and her focus on the power of human love and empathy in the face of darkness makes this collection an uplifting and insightful read, offering a unique perspective on contemporary issues.

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The Knowing Animals by Emily Skov-Nielsen

Recommended for nature lovers and those interested in the interconnection between human and non-human worlds.

This book is perfect for readers who enjoy exploring themes of motherhood, sexuality, and technology through a poetic lens that intertwines various disciplines.

Why it’s a Hidden Gem: Skov-Nielsen’s ability to weave complex themes involving botany, zoology, and mythology into a cohesive poetic narrative offers a refreshing and enlightening perspective on the natural world and our place within it.

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The Knowing Animals by Emily Skov-Nielsen
Edge Effects by Jan Conn

Edge Effects by Jan Conn

Recommended for those who are passionate about ecological issues and the juxtaposition of natural and industrial landscapes.

This collection is suited for those who appreciate poetry that challenges perceptions and encourages activism.

Why it’s a Hidden Gem: Conn’s exploration of ecological themes through a lens that is both beautiful and haunting mirrors the complexity of contemporary environmental challenges, making this book a profound and stirring read.

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Hymn by John Barton

Recommended for anyone interested in exploring themes of love, intimacy, and identity, particularly within the context of the male experience.

This book is ideal for those who appreciate a blend of personal narrative with wider societal observations.

Why it’s a Hidden Gem: Barton’s honest and insightful exploration of homoerotic love and its accompanying joys and challenges offers a deeply moving perspective, making it a standout in contemporary poetry.

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Hymn by John Barton
Autowar by Assiyah Jamilla Toure

Autowar by Assiyah Jamilla Touré

Recommended for those who are drawn to intense, personal explorations of pain, resilience, and self-discovery.

This collection will resonate with those who appreciate raw and powerful expressions of emotion.

Why it’s a Hidden Gem: Touré’s candid portrayal of personal struggles and the journey towards self-acceptance provides a deeply moving and inspiring reading experience, making it a unique and impactful collection.

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Yellow Crane by Susan Gillis

Recommended for those who enjoy reflective and observational poetry, especially relating to themes of art, industry, and the natural environment.

This book is well-suited for readers who appreciate a balance of critical thought and emotional depth.

Why it’s a Hidden Gem: Gillis’s contemplative exploration of how we occupy and interact with our world, both built and natural, offers insightful perspectives on modern life and its contradictions, making this collection a thought-provoking read.

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Yellow Crane by Susan Gillis
By Hand by John Reibetanz

By Hand by John Reibetanz

Recommended for those fascinated by the interplay of human creativity, nature, and culture.

This collection will appeal to those who appreciate poetry that explores the tangible and intangible aspects of human experience.

Why it’s a Hidden Gem: Reibetanz’s focus on the physicality of creativity and its relationship with the natural world offers a unique exploration of the human condition, making this collection a compelling and insightful read.

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